The Common Denominator
This was created at an open studio where I handed a brush to visitors and invited them to draw on the canvas. Some were tentative, some more brave, and children loved it. At the end of the day, I had to quiet the bright pink hearts! This created a beautiful comradery and history. The rest fell into place as I modified and left bits and pieces peeking through. We are all more alike than different. I will do this again!
Acrylic, 36” x 36”
This was created at an open studio where I handed a brush to visitors and invited them to draw on the canvas. Some were tentative, some more brave, and children loved it. At the end of the day, I had to quiet the bright pink hearts! This created a beautiful comradery and history. The rest fell into place as I modified and left bits and pieces peeking through. We are all more alike than different. I will do this again!
Acrylic, 36” x 36”
This was created at an open studio where I handed a brush to visitors and invited them to draw on the canvas. Some were tentative, some more brave, and children loved it. At the end of the day, I had to quiet the bright pink hearts! This created a beautiful comradery and history. The rest fell into place as I modified and left bits and pieces peeking through. We are all more alike than different. I will do this again!
Acrylic, 36” x 36”