Answers to many of your questions can be found here. If not, please contact us, we’re happy to help.
You may use any caterer you would like or bring in food on your own as long as it is a private event. For an “Open to the Public” event, you will need a food permit from the City of Plano. text goes here
You may have alcohol at your event. You may bring in your own alcohol or have it provided by a caterer. Note: Texas law states that you must have a TABC certified server if you are selling alcohol at an event.
Security personnel is only needed if serving liquor (beer and wine are treated differently)… you may bring in your own security with the proper documentation or you may use our referred security which are reasonably priced.
Set/up and Clean/up are the responsibility of the group using the ArtCentre. We ask that the building be left the way you found it.
Saigling House makes the following: (100) chairs, (9) 60” round tables, and (10) 8’ rectangular tables available with your rental.
We have a side-by-side commercial refrigerator (no freezer) as well as an ice machine. Please note: if you bring ice chests, you will need to supply ice for them.
Yes. Dressing areas are available.
We have a projector and monitors that connect your laptop wirelessly via our internet; kitchen, tables, chairs, microphones are available as are separate areas for breakout sessions.